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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

Summer 1


Outdoor Explorer's


  • We will read stories linked to our topic.
  • We will use colourful semantics to support our writing.
  • We will be asking and answering questions.
  • We will request resources when they are out of sight.
  • We will use different mediums in art.
  • We will read and follow instructions.
  • We will watch videos and make comments.
  • We will sequence our stories.


  • We will look at 2d and 3d shapes.
  • We will measure our ingredients in cookery.
  • We will look at solving simple problems.
  • We will sort objects.
  • We will begin to use more maths vocabulary within our lessons.
  • To begin to use scales functionally.
  • To compare weight using scales.
  • To be able to respond to key vocabulary.


  •  We will do athletic games and learn to turn take with our friends.
  • We will access the outdoor equipment to promote our sensory wellbeing.

Knowledge & Understanding of the World

  • We will follow instructions and find the ingredients we need to make : fruit salad,soup,mashed potato, fruit crumble and smoothies.

  • We will visit our local parks to find flowers,insects and explore the local community.

  • We will look at photos we have taken on educational visits and comment on them.

  • We will improve our mouse skills and begin to use the keyboard.

Summer 1

Sky Class  

Semi Formal/Formal

Creative Development 

  • To look at work by Vincent Van Gogh and recreate some of his work.

  • To look at work by Georgia O Keefe and recreate some of his work.

  • To use flowers collected and create pressed flower collages. 

  • We will use different mediums in our art work.

  • We will use different collage materials for our work.

  • We will continue to use charanga to develop our music skills.


  • We will look at healthy/unhealthy foods.
  • We will visit our local garden centres.
  • We will continue to develop our turn taking skills by playing games with our peers.
  • We will discuss how we are feeling using our zones of regulation.

Outdoor Learning

  • We will visit the garden and do planting.
  • We will observe the plants we have planted.
  • We will search out and make recordings of minibeasts.
  • We will grow our own vegetables
  • We will grow our own cress and use it in our cookery sessions.


  • We will look at flowers and trees around our community area.

  • We will talk about our plants.

  • We will begin to grow our things in school then continue to care for them at home.


Week 1- Sam Plants a sunflower

Week 2-Jack and the beanstalk

Week 3-Jaspers beanstalk

Week 4- Oliver's fruit salad

Week 5--Oliver’s Vegetables

Week 6-Jack’s garden

Week 1- Sam Plants a Sunflower

The children all came back into school happy. In Maths we have been learning all about 2d shapes this week. We watched a power point on the board and then made shapes using lolly sticks. We had a shape hunt on the adventure playground too.

In literacy this week we have been reading the story "Sam plants a Sunflower" we followed the steps to plant our own sunflower. We also listened to the story and used colorful semantics. In Literacy we have also been practicing taking turns using the communication board and we are getting better at waiting for our friends. We went onto the discovery park and followed instructions to find the hidden sunflowers.

In Cookery this week we did well at remembering how to make our own toast for snack. 

We visited Whitburn Park during our educational visit this week and enjoyed exploring all of the equipment but also looking at the plants and flowers.

This week we have also been into the garden and we tidied up our class area and began raking ready to plant some seeds next week. We also talked about all of the garden equipment and what we could use them for. 

We are continuing our Yoga with Carmela and Paula this week and enjoying relaxing.

In PE this week our focus was getting independently undressed and dressed for PE and then to follow instructions whilst in the hall.

We have been labeling parts of a sunflower too.


Week 2-Jack and the Beanstalk

This week in Math's we have been looking at and naming 3D shapes. We had fun exploring the feely bag and then saying what shape we had found. We went on a shape hunt on the adventure playground. 

We planted some runner beans in Attention Everyone this week.

In cookery this week we have been practicing our cutting and chopping skills and we made a fruit salad.

We went to Sunderland Winter Gardens and looked at the plants and leaves and then had some time to explore the Museum.

In Literacy we named things from the story. 

We used our remembering skills and sequenced a bean. 

In Yoga we practiced our relaxation.


Week 3 -Jasper's Beanstalk and The King's Coronation.

We have been taking turns with our communication box again. We have been doing lots of party preparations for the King's Coronation party. We have listened to the story Jasper's Beanstalk. We have made a lovely display for the corridor.


Oliver's Fruit Salad

In maths this week we have been doing heavier and lighter. We have found this a little difficult but have had fun exploring the scales. In cookery this week we made some fruit smoothies using the blender. 

We have been reading the story Oliver's Fruit Salad and writing the character and object names using our initial sounds. We did fantastic in PE this week following instructions and using the tennis bats and balls.

We went into the garden on a mini beast hunt and found things like: a snail, a millipede, a fly and a bee.


Oliver's Vegetables

This week we have been looking at the story Oliver's Vegetables. We went into the computer room and practised our mouse skills by completing a interactive jigsaw.

We have been looking at parts of the story and using colourful semantics to make our sentences but we have also been trying to write words independently.

We have been counting all of Oliver's vegetables that were in the garden.

We all completed outdoor learning day and had lots of fun outdoors.


Jack's Garden

This week we have been looking at the story Jack's Garden. We have been doing repeating patterns in maths linked to minibeasts just like Jack.

We made some lovely lady birds in Attention Everyone session.

This week we visited Pets Corner at Jesmond Dene to look at the animals. We all had a great time and we had fun exploring the park afterwards.

We hope you all have a lovely half term.