Autumn 2
McDonald treat.
New interactive board
We have been waiting a while, but finally we are so happy that we now have a new board. We all had a turn at drawing a symmetrical reindeer and have had great fun watching and playing games on it.
Crafts and Cookies
We really enjoyed our stay and play / craft and cookies afternoon.
We hope that your wonderful baubles are taking pride of place at home
December has started in Navy Class
Snow much fun today!
St Andrew's day tartan weaving
banter vs bullying
Navy class have looked at the Anti-bullying alliance. We talked about banter and what it is. We chatted about 'mates' having banter/friendly teasing and that it can be okay sometimes with good friends. Banter is to make each other laugh without being mean or hurtful.
We know that bullying is when someone wants to hurt someone else on purpose with words or physically over and over. We know that banter should always stop if it is making the other person feel sad or they ask you to stop.
Navy class have adopted the saying 'choose kindness'
Remembrance Day and Diwali
We have spent this week finding out about Remembrance, we made some poppy pictures in the style of Jacqueline Hurley, using our pencils to do different shading.
We also wrote some of the facts about what happens on Remembrance Day.
For Diwali, we made some Rangoli patterns using 2D shapes, we had to move them in different directions using quarter turns, half turns and three quarter turns. We also read and completed the magazine quiz on the British Council website.
Halloween and The Gunpowder Plot
We enjoyed making Halloween crafts to decorate outside our classroom.
We found out lots of information about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot to help us understand why we celebrate bonfire night.
We made Wanted posters, by drawing Guy Fawkes and writing about his crime.