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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

P.E. funding 2021/22

PE and Sports Grant 2021-2022


For the 2020 / 2021 year our funding is £18,000 –please see below for breakdown of where the money will be spent, as we value the benefits from increased participation in physical and extra curricular activities, and as we have two distinct cohorts of pupils requiring  very different interventions, school have also part –funded some of the services we have used the PE grant for.

Interventions and spending for 2021/ 2022


Trampoline maintenance

PE equipment

Sensory equipment 

Rebound therapy extra resources such as, therapy balls, bean bags, etc.

External Coaches/Staff

OT services

Foundation of Light - Coaches: multi skills as PE curriculum and After School Club

June – Fit for Fun as PE curriculum 

Judo with Kevin as PE curriculum and lunchtime clubs

Measuring Impact

  • Achieved great active schools charter gold award for 2020/2021 – gathering evidence to keep gold level this year.
  • School Games silver award for 2020/2021 – gathering evidence to go forward for gold level this year.
  • For those pupils requiring sensory input we measure impact through SCERTS data – baseline, interim and final assessment
  • We also use evidence from qualitative data – results from questionnaires sent to parents, teachers and support staff, regarding children’s emotional regulative state.
  • For those pupils functioning at higher levels baseline assessments of their physical skills have been completed and further interim and year end assessments will be used to measure impact.  Lesson observations and learning walks completed to ensure skills from coaches have been passed on to teaching staff and new resources purchased are supporting effective teaching and progress can be seen in PE skills.
  • For those pupils accessing rebound therapy a baseline assessment on their physical abilities have been completed and a rebound profile has been allocated with all the activities/games/movements/jumps pupils are executing. 




The PE and Sports Premium for Primary Schools - Sports Funding.

The government is providing funding to maintained primary schools and academies that is specifically targeted at improving the provision of physical education (PE) and sport.

For the academic year 2014 to 2015 we were allocated £8,335

For the academic year 2015 to 2016 we have been allocated £8,335

For the academic year 2016 to 2017 we have been allocated £8,403

For the academic year 2017 to 2018 we have been allocated £16,000

For the academic year 2018 to 2019 we have been allocated £16,000

For the academic year 2019 to 2020 we have been allocated £16,000

For the academic year 2020 to 2021 we have been allocated £16,000


How we spent the money in 2020 – 2021

  • We purchased new PE equipment to continue the effective teaching.
  • We bought PE resources which could be used as part of the therapeutic/sensory rebound sessions such as scarfs, therapy balls, etc.
  • We paid for the maintenance of the trampoline. 
  • We replaced damaged PE equipment.
  • We bought new vestibular input resources such as rotation boards, whizzy dizzy, bilibo seat and rocking bowl.
  • We bought in external coaches to work with pupils and upskill staff.
  • We bought a yoga coach to work with pupils to provide them with breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques.
  • We had a variety of lunchtime and after school provision.
  • We bought in specialist OT provision to assess pupils and train staff to support pupils' emotional regulation and sensory needs.
  • We kept refurbishing sensory room to meet children’s sensory needs.
  • We upskilled staff in rebound therapy training.
  • We offered some pupils with rebound therapy sessions.


How we intend to spend the money in 2020 – 2021

  • We will buy new PE resources to replace the broken ones.
  • We will buy external coaches to deliver lunch time and after school clubs.
  • We will buy new resources to use within rebound therapy sessions.
  • We will provide children with PE boxes that they can use during playtime.
  • We will buy a yoga and mindfulness teacher to deliver sessions.