Autumn 1
Swimming Fun
The Smartest Giant in Town and The Gruffalo's Child
We have continued to work on our social and emotional work and this has been embedded in everything we are doing in class.
In Math's we have continued with positional language, and we included quarter turns, half turn, three quarter turns and whole turns. We used the bee bots to program them to go forwards, backwards left and right.
We remembered that...
One left or right turn makes a quarter turn
Two left or right turns makes a half turn
Three left or right turns makes and half turn
Four left or right turns makes a whole turn.
We have also been continuing with number bonds and applying the commutative law to our addition sums.
In Literacy we have continued with colourful semantics, organising words into 'who', 'what doing', 'what' 'where' and describing 'cloud words'. We have used this to compose our own sentences and to make sure our sentences make sense. It is also helping us answer questions about the stories.
We have continued to illustrate and paint different characters from the Julia Donaldson books, in the style of the artist Axel Scheffler.
Our target in P.E. this half term was to have more control over throwing and catching.
We must remember that an over arm throw goes past our head and an under arm throw goes past our leg.
Signs of Autumn
We have been looking at the signs of autumn and talking about 'why' questions to understand the reasons things happen in autumn and what we see and feel.
The leaves turn red, yellow, orange and brown and they fall from the trees.
It is windy, cold and lots more rain falls, this makes the leaves moving into big piles and mushrooms grow in the damp ground.
There are lots more cobwebs from the spiders
We have less sunshine in the daytime, it gets darker earlier.
The flowers are dying and berries are coming onto the trees.
The bees go back to their hives.
We need to wear warmer clothes, wearing wellies and using an umbrella can help to keep us dry.
The sun is lower in the sky and that creates longer shadows.
We went outside to make our own Big Bad Mouse shadows.
Zog and A Squash and a Squeeze
The Gruffalo
We have had a very busy week.
In Math's we recapped on number bonds to ten, we used the large Numicon to make number bonds to ten with a partner. We looked at positional language and followed instructions to make a woodland picture, putting the animals in the correct place.
In literacy made sentences using colourful semantics to describe what was happening in the Gruffalo pictures and the completed comprehension booklets based on the sentences. We also wrote a sentence about our new Hedgehog Hideaway to display in the school entrance.
We continued with our basic moves in P.E. as our warm up we acted out the story of the Gruffalo, pretending to be the characters.
We looked at the artist and illustrator of the Julia Donaldson books Axel Scheffler and drew and painted a picture of the Gruffalo in his style. We made our own characters and gave a description of there personality. We made pizza in cookery and enjoyed music
We continued to enjoy getting to know each other and played well with our friends in our Fun Friday session.
Phew! I think we all deserve a weekend!
Making Friends
We have had a super start to the year making friends with each other.
We talked about the good things we need to do in Navy class and have all wrote and signed our promise contract to try really hard to stick to the good list and try our best.
We have played games together, we really enjoyed working with a partner in P.E. to practice under and over arm throwing, rolling and jumping.
We played dart board addition and Topmarks games in maths and coloured some mindfulness name pictures.
We have also visited different areas of the school to play and share with each other including the ball pool, Discovery Park and the Adventure Playground.