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Columbia Grange School

Little Steps, Big Aspirations For All

Spring 1

This half term our topic is

Nursery Rhymes

Please take a look at our Medium Term Plans. There is an 'At home' section filled with ideas you and you child could enjoy together. We would love to hear and see photographs all about your adventures at home and in the community. Please keep us updated through the dojo app.  

Nursery Rhymes

This half term in Scarlet Class, our topic has been Nursery Rhymes. Each week we have focused on different themes of rhymes including ones about people, building and climbing, water, transport, nature and up in the sky. In cookery, we have been developing our independence skills by making scrambled eggs and jelly. Some of the children have been doing really well using their communication books to predict what ingredients and equipment they will need next. In PE this half term, we have been focusing on developing our gross motor skills while linking them into our nursery rhymes. The children have been climbing up and down the large steps like ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ and jumping onto the crash mats while singing ‘Humpty Dumpty’. We have made lots of lovely things in art this half term including wheels on the bus pictures, painted rainbows with wooden arches, twinkle twinkle paint splat stars and bubble pictures. Each week we have also been retelling a particular nursery rhyme by putting the story sequence in the correct order. We have been visiting Hetton-Lyons park on our bus slots and in the last few weeks of the term, we have been taking the children down to the pond to look at and feed the ducks and swans. We have all really enjoyed learning about the different Nursery Rhymes this half term and it’s been lovely to hear the children singing the songs while they’ve been playing.

Well-being Time

This half term during our well-being sessions, the children have been practising brushing their teeth. We've been listening to the teeth brushing song while looking in a mirror and attempting to do it independently. All the children have done extremely well and even the ones at the beginning who weren't so keen have all managed to have a little try by the end.